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Alcon ARI

October 23 & 24, 2020

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Vadim Arshavsky
Duke University Medical Center
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Melanie Bahlo, PhD
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
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Stephen Burns, PhD
University of Indiana
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Michelle ("Mimi") Cabrera, MD
University of Washington
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Jennifer Chao, MD, PhD
Univ. Washington
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Franck Leveiller, PhD
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Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD
The Scripps Research Institute
ARI Chairman
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Marin Ganter, PhD
Lowy Medical Research Institute
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Mark Humayun, MD, PhD
University of Southern California
ARI Chairman Elect
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Tengku Ain Kamalden, MBBS, Dphil
University of Malaya
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Cecilia Lee, MD
University of Washington
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Aaron Lee, MD, MSCI
University of Washington
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Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD, MS
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Daniel Palaez, PhD
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami
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Daniel Palanker, PhD
Stanford University
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Eric Pierce, MD, PhD
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
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Sinha Raunak, PhD
University of Wisconsin - Madison
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Lee L. Rubin, PhD
Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology
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Ramkumar Sabesan, PhD
University of Washington
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Mike Sapieha Przemyslaw, PhD
University of Montreal
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Yuzuru Sasamoto, MD, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
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William Tuten, OD, PhD
University of California Berkeley
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Luis Vazquez, MD, PhD
Bascom Palmer, Univ. Miami
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David R. Williams, PhD
University of Rochester
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Jia Yin, MD, PhD, MPH
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
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Introduction to 2020ARI Symposium
9:00 AM
Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD Martin Friedlander, MD, PhD
Adaptive optics gonioscopic imaging of the human conventional outflow pathway
9:05 AM
Stephen Burns, PhD Stephen Burns, PhD
Imaging stimulus-induced retinal activity using the optoretinogram
9:30 AM
Ramkumar Sabesan, PhD Ramkumar Sabesan, PhD
Characterization of Vascular Smooth Muscle Receptors that Regulate Ocular Perfusion in the Mouse Retina
9:55 AM
Luis Vazquez, MD, PhD Luis Vazquez, MD, PhD
10:20 AM
Targeting FHL-1 haploinsufficiency in Early Onset Macular Degeneration
10:30 AM
Jia Yin, MD, PhD, MPH Jia Yin, MD, PhD, MPH
BCAM is a novel transit-amplifying cell gene required for corneal epithelial differentiation
10:55 AM
Yuzuru Sasamoto, MD, PhD Yuzuru Sasamoto, MD, PhD
Visual signaling in the primate fovea
11:20 AM
Sinha Raunak, PhD Sinha Raunak, PhD
When Developmental Programs go Awry – Ephrin Forward Signaling in Optic Neuropathies
11:45 AM
Daniel Palaez, PhD Daniel Palaez, PhD
Lunch Break
12:10 PM
Isolating and Characterizing Exosomal MicroRNAs in Tear Fluid in Diabetic Retinopathy
1:00 PM
Tengku Ain Kamalden, MBBS, Dphil Tengku Ain Kamalden, MBBS, Dphil
Genetic Causality of Inherited Retinal Degenerations
1:25 PM
Eric Pierce, MD, PhD Eric Pierce, MD, PhD
The 20S proteasome as a therapeutic target for treating inherited blindness
1:50 PM
Vadim Arshavsky Vadim Arshavsky
Hunting for biomarkers in AMD using deep learning
2:15 PM
Aaron Lee, MD, MSCI Aaron Lee, MD, MSCI
2:40 PM
Immune Training and Tolerance in AMD
2:50 PM
Mike Sapieha Przemyslaw, PhD Mike Sapieha Przemyslaw, PhD
FHL-1 Haploinsufficiency in Early Onset Macular Drusen
3:15 PM
Jennifer Chao, MD, PhD Jennifer Chao, MD, PhD
Handheld Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography with Angiography Capability as a Tool to Identify Advanced Retinopathy of Prematurity in Premature Infants
3:40 PM
Michelle ( Michelle ("Mimi") Cabrera, MD
High-Rate High-Resolution Chip-Scale Ranging: A Paradigm Shift in Optical Coherence Tomography
4:05 PM
Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD, MS Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD, MS
4:30 PM
Photovoltaic Restoration of Sight in Atrophic Macular Degeneration
4:40 PM
Daniel Palanker, PhD Daniel Palanker, PhD
Measuring cellular-scale structure and function in retinal degeneration with adaptive optics
5:05 PM
William Tuten, OD, PhD William Tuten, OD, PhD
Functional Imaging and Control of Single Neurons in the Living Primate Eye
5:30 PM
David R. Williams, PhD David R. Williams, PhD
Closing Remarks from ARI Chairman Elect
5:55 PM
Mark Humayun, MD, PhD Mark Humayun, MD, PhD

About Alcon Research Institute

In 1981, Alcon set out to help support research in eye health and to expand the frontiers of vision sciences globally – from this concept Alcon Research Institute (ARI) was born. Since then, the ARI has had a significant impact on the study of ocular diseases and has become a bridge to building partnerships with leading researchers around the world.

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